About me…

Hi, I’m Laura...

My name is Laura Colenso and I began practicing yoga in 2013 whilst pregnant with my daughter Nell. I am a qualified yoga teacher and a former professional West End dancer. I am also a resident of Alne, North Yorkshire and I'm thrilled to be teaching Yoga in our beautiful village. Yoga has played such an important part in my life since becoming a mum and I truly believe my practice has helped me understand myself, my daughter and the world around me a whole lot more.

Why Yoga?

“Yoga is the art and science of living.” said yoga teacher Indra Devi and I couldn’t agree with her more. To me, yoga feels like a map…..an instruction manual on how to survive life! It is so much more than a physical practice. Yoga teaches us how to navigate our daily responsibilities and stresses with grace and awareness. Doesn’t that sound lovely? ;-)

Why Yoga With Laura?

I wanted to share the benefits of yoga with women as I feel most of us tend to put ourselves last, often placing the needs of others before our own. In Flow Yoga will give you the opportunity to have a little me time. To think of nothing but your own needs. Even if it’s only for five minutes…… because every second counts! So whether you join me in my class or watch one of my videos, please take that time for yourself, guilt free so you can show up for others in the way you truly want to.

Why Now?

It is always the right time to start yoga! Whether your children have flown the nest, you have just given birth or you need some sanity to counter the craziness of work, yoga is about balance, connection and presence. It will give you greater flexibility and strength (both mentally and physically) and can be a powerful practice to guide you to the best and truest version of yourself.