The Next Chapter.

The Next Chapter .jpg

JANUARY 22, 2016

Well, two years later and I’m returning to the work place! Strange and terrifying in so many ways. Mainly, because something dawned on me a few weeks ago… I’ve been hiding. I’ve been hiding from the real world. I became a mother for the first time just over two years ago and my life completely changed. They say motherhood changes you – the biggest understatement ever! I can’t talk for all mothers out there but for me … I will never be the same again. This is no bad thing as becoming a Mother has made me want to be so much better than I ever was, however for the past two years I completely gave myself over to motherhood and hid behind it. It was my excuse for taking a back seat on everything else. Well, Nell is now two and it’s time for me to step up to the plate and contribute a little something to this amazing world that will one day be Nell’s oyster. It’s time because I’m starting to feel more like me again. For the first eighteen months of motherhood I felt like an alien in my own body and mind. Lumps and bumps, hormones, sleep deprivation, baby brain and massive boobs!! My body and mind were no longer mine, they belonged to Nell – which I completely embraced and loved but that time is over and I’m ready to face the world again. 
Now, the career I had before Nell is long gone so this is my chance to reinvent myself. You have to understand, I started preparing for my last career when I was five years old. I danced and performed basically my whole life up until my pregnancy so this is going to be a very interesting time. Hence, the use of the words “strange” and “terrifying” at the beginning of this blog. But actually I feel I have had brilliant training over the past two years to re-enter the work place. 

Number One – I have majorly chilled out. In that sense, I’m more secure in my capabilities now. I have faced massive challenges over the past two and a half years, labour and breast feeding just to mention the obvious and I am very proud of how I handled both. These challenges have given me confidence. A confidence that would of done we wonders in my last career. I was always a nervous performer and I look back and ask myself why? What a waste of energy! So this time around I don’t have time or the need to worry about failing as I believe something else will always come along maybe something even better. 

Number Two – I am super efficient! If I’m not going to be with my family or doing yoga you better not be wasting my time! 

Number Three – I have finally embraced my age. My last career was time sensitive – “Oh God, I’m already 25…..blah, blah, blah!” But now I’m 35 and age gives me gravitas, trustworthiness and wisdom – Ha! I have realised I no longer need to prove my worth to anyone. I just need to answer to myself – a tough enough critic but now, a more understanding and patient one.  

I have just become a Director of a company called In Flow Training, and I’m working with an amazing talent, you might of heard of him, my husband Dominic Colenso 😉 . We help Tech companies excel in communication and performance by teaching their people the skills actors use to influence their audience. I’m only working two days a week but watch out world, here we come!! So here’s to the next chapter – strange, terrifying but very, very, exciting. 

Lots of love, 

Laura x 


Emotional Hygiene.


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