Why I Feel Like WonderWoman…
So it turns out that being in my late thirties is an interesting time. Things that were easy to handle in my twenties are not so easy to handle now. Like drinking a bottle of wine…..wearing heels all day….Day time television……carbohydrates. What I have found interesting about these new found niggles is they have made me develop a thirst to understand myself better and embrace change.
It has been a slow process over the past year but old habits are disappearing and new exciting ones are starting to push their way in. I’m writing this blog today because I desperately wanting to share a certain ritual I do everyday now that is having a massive impact on my mind and body and it is so simple! Please don’t laugh but every morning I have a cold shower – just for the last minute and it seriously makes me feel like Wonder Woman. You have got to try it! The first few times I must admit were tough. Tough to actually find the will power to turn that dial to freezing and then stand there as long as you can bare it. Ten seconds in the early days was a massive achievement. But the high after it is so worth it! The high comes from realising you did something you really didn’t want to do but you saw it through and it is only 8am – you are going to be unstoppable today! 😂😂Secondly, you can’t help but laugh, make strange noises, curse etc….so you start your day with fun for sure. Thirdly, the science behind it is so interesting. Basically, we are made up of bacteria called mitochondria. This bacteria in our bodies are like little battery packs. On very simple terms they control our energy levels. By shocking them in this way we make them stronger so that feeling of amazingness is real and the scientists have proved it so you don’t have to just take my crazy word for it.
I am now addicted. I can’t leave a shower now without turning that dial. I like the fact that I have a little ritual that I believe is toughening me up a bit. Again, it may be all in my head but since I have started my cold showers a list of interesting things have happened.
1. My will power has grown. I find it easier to motivate myself to exercise and eat better.
2. My sensitivity to the cold has changed. I was one of those annoying people that always complained about the temperature in a room – that has lessened.
3. It can change my mood in an instant. This is why I wanted to share because being able to shift your bad mood is a very powerful thing. I can wake up foggy, tired, or moody and literally one minute later my body and mind are buzzing and I feel fresh and giddy.
4. I’m more adventurous. I swam with seals off the Norfolk coast on a grey wet day where as before I would of just paddled and used the cold as an excuse not to do it.
5. I have more self respect. I am respecting my body more now than I ever have.
So I may no longer be in my twenties but believe me after my cold shower I sure as hell feel like I am.
Please, please let me know if you already do this or you are going to try this out I would love to hear your thoughts!
Lots of love,