You're Not In Charge. I am.

Mother Nature decided to stand up and be heard this week. She huffed and she puffed and she blew down anything that wasn’t strong enough to bear her brunt. She swept the wind across our lands wielding her power as a reminder of who’s really in charge.

So on Tuesday evening I stopped to listen. After a long soak in the bath after a busy day I retreated to my bedroom, opened the windows and invited her in to howl. And boy did she howl!

It was exhilarating, feeling her take over the room. Cleaning out the stale, warm air and replacing it with a feeling of vibrancy, aliveness. Her message was now loud and clear. You are not in charge. I am.

We can sometimes hear her message and fear it but this week I decided to take comfort in her words by practising surrender which in yoga is called Isvara Pranidhana.

Surrendering to life can be difficult. As humans we love to be in control. We hate the thought of not being in charge, not knowing what’s coming next. But when you hear Mother Nature roar the way she has this week, her instruction is clear: surrender and respect that you are part of something bigger. This allows us to shift our focus away from our individual concerns and to the beauty and wonder of the bigger picture that’s at play.

What will be will be. It’s how we decide to react to it that makes all the difference.

Thank you being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


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