Day One.

Nell and My Feet - Day One.jpg

JUNE 1, 2015

Well Folks, it’s day one and I am relieved to say I did it! I was successful in finding 20 minutes of “me time” in mine and Nell’s day. 

After those 20 minutes of yoga I felt like a nicer person. There is something about the awareness of my breath and body that calms me, focuses me.

Maybe if everyone practiced yoga the world would be a better place. The more I look around, the more convinced I become of the benefits it could bring. Dom, Nell and I have just got back from our first family holiday. Just the three of us for two weeks in sunny Spain. It was wonderful! However, our experience on the journey home got me thinking. Airports are often pictured as happy places with hugging, kissing and expressions of love – remember the movie Love Actually? Well, our experience at Leeds Bradford Airport at the end of our holiday was a very different story. Kids crying, parents shouting, threats flying. I left feeling sorry for the parents and sorry for the kids. How am I going to make sure that I don’t turn into a loud, threatening, angry parent when I am tired and frustrated? How do I make sure that Nell doesn’t turn into a bad tempered, unruly child when she is bored? I have my own thoughts on how to avoid this and I am not here to give out parenting advice. I am, however, going to try my hardest to parent without threats, judgement and shouting. I’m sure there are some people that say that it’s not possible but I have decided to start my parenting journey with good intentions. So, I believe my Ujjayi breathe is going to be pretty handy in the future.

Yoga gives me awareness and awareness is an important thing. I am aware that if I am tired, I am not as good a parent. If I am hungry, I am not as good a parent. If my body aches, I am not as good a parent. And I am aware that when Nell is tired she is a pain in the… I’m only joking but you get my drift!

So maybe when I find myself in a stressful situation or place…..let’s say an Airport… maybe I just have to be aware… take a deep breathe in… take a deep breathe out… and hopefully I will be a nicer person.


Lots of love

Laura x


A Guilty Conscience.


Becoming A Mother