Farewell To A Little Bit Of Me.

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Today I say farewell to a little bit of me. Eight years ago I created a company called Westend Workout. It’s strap line was “Cardio With Style”. Yes, it was cheesy, loud and sweaty but I loved it. Maybe that’s why I sit here with a tear in my eye as I read the confirmation email that I have released the trademark to someone else.

These are funny moments in our lives, when all of a sudden a decision has to be made - to set something free or to keep it in the background of your life, tucked away collecting dust, just in case. This holding on is always done with good intentions - maybe one day we might reach back, pull it out, dust it off and make use of it again - and it gives us a certain kind of comfort.

I’m sure we all have things in the background of our lives collecting dust. Things that make us say “maybe one day”. So what are we waiting for? Surely, we should get the duster out and make the most of them. It could be an idea, an old friendship, a trademark to a company! Or maybe it’s time to set them free. Let them go. Maybe we have to be honest and make a decision to simplify and de-clutter our “maybe one day” drawer. Giving us a chance to focus on what we really want in our future rather than holding onto an old plan that is probably past its sell by date.

Being forced to make a decision about Westend Workout was a blessing. I knew deep down in my heart I would never go back to it. Mostly, because I don’t have the stamina, adrenal glands or pelvic floor for what I used to teach . And it gave me the chance to think about what I do want for my future.

Also, most importantly, it gave me the opportunity to reflect on those couple of crazy, high energy years and the people who supported me. It fills me with joy when I think of all the encouragement and support I received from my friends and my family. Especially, the friends who were there by my side at every class. Sweating. Panting. Laughing. You lovely bunch went above and beyond the call of duty and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You know who you are.

And, finally thank you Westend Workout. You taught me so much about myself. You were fun, fast and full of energy and you will always bring a smile to my face when I think of you. I wish you loads and loads of luck in your new lease of life. Farewell my friend.


Laura X


Ray Of Light.


The One You Feed.