The One You Feed.

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There is a grandmother talking to her granddaughter and she says, “There are two wolves inside all of us always at battle. One is our Good Wolf that represents kindness, bravery and love. The other is our Bad Wolf that represents greed, hatred and fear. The granddaughter asks “But which one wins grandmother?” And the grandmother replies “The one you feed.”

2019 for me, was about feeding my Good Wolf. I heard this parable on a podcast called The One You Feed (Which I highly recommend) and decided to base my 2019 on it, always being conscious of which wolf was in charge and to make sure my Good Wolf wasn’t going hungry.

The formula turned out to be quite simple. I needed to cut down on pollution. Pollution entering my body, my mind, my home and our planet.

My Bad Wolf loves pollution. She loves the news and binging on Netflix. Programmes that get my adrenalin pumping and cause a ball of fear to grow in my stomach. She loves it when I cry about characters that aren’t real and when I have nightmares about running from the enemy. She grows in strength when I give her a diet of TV.

She loves it when I pollute my body with alcohol and sugar. I lower my standards, get lazy and mediocre. Her nasty whispers of self doubt get to grow in volume in my ear.

She loves the smell of bleach and toxins wafting through my home. She loves me spraying Chanel perfume and using aluminium in my deodorant to stop me sweating as every day I weaken my defences and my body’s toxicity rises.

She loves it when I don’t recycle and when I buy plastic because she loves turning my guilt way up high when I settle for convenience over following my true morale code.

But hope is on the horizon, as it turns out it doesn’t take much to feed my Good Wolf. Long, hot baths instead of bottles of wine, fresh air instead of scrolling through Facebook. Eating whole foods instead of processed. Yoga to keep my body strong and flexible, meditation to calm my mind and give me the time to be grateful for all that surrounds me.

My Good Wolf is strong and energised now and why is that a good thing? Because she gives me my will power, peace and sense of purpose. And the Bad Wolf maybe taking a long winter nap right now but I know she will be back. Especially when I do decide to watch Boris on the news and crack open the bottle of wine because it’s been “one of those weeks” and she will grow in power once again. But the difference now is, I do these things with awareness. I choose to do them. And because of this awareness, I do them less often, giving me time to feed my Good Wolf. Helping kindness, bravery and love turn up in my life with ease.

Who is guiding you right now? Who has the upper hand? The Good Wolf who represents kindness, bravery and love or the Bad Wolf who represents greed, hatred and fear. Decide today which one you are going to feed and watch that one grow in strength.


Laura x


Farewell To A Little Bit Of Me.


Packing For The New Decade.