Have your cake and eat it!

I have a question for you.

What’s your favourite part of a cake, the sponge or the icing? And do you eat your favourite part first or save it to last?

Can you believe that the way you answer this question could be related to your levels of discipline and procrastination?!

We can all struggle with discipline. It can be seen as a bit of a dirty word, causing our tummies to tighten with unease.

But in yoga it is viewed as an important self care ritual that if practised, can create a happy and healthy life. Yoga calls it tapas and describes it as a heat, a fire we can create in ourselves to burn away anything that no longer serves us. Yoga encourages us to grow our tapas, our self discipline to help melt away the bad patterns we have slowly created in our lives over time.

So if you are feeling your lack of discipline is holding you back, a great way to stoke the fire of this super power is by getting on your yoga mat.

Tapas can be grown in so many ways with a yoga practice. Sitting still and being present. Following your breath. Challenging poses. Even resting in savasana can grow self discipline.

But we don’t have to be on our yoga mat to strengthen our tapas. You can practise at any time. Even when you are tucking into your favourite slice of cake why not eat your least favourite part first saving the best bit to last encouraging self discipline and delayed gratification.

Why? Because discipline is freedom, opening doors to paths that we can only take with a fire in our belly, our tapas.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


Thank you India.


“The day you start yoga is the day you stop ageing.”