I’ve Been Putting Something Off…

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I’ve been putting something off. Something that will bring me joy but I haven’t been able to 'JUST do it'! Do you know that feeling? “I don’t have time right now"..."I’m too busy"...."I’ll do it tomorrow.” All the usual excuses fill my head.

I think a lot of us may be suffering from the fog of lockdown at the moment. For the past year we have had an enforced hibernation. Now that the dark is lifting and the light is growing. But some of us have got used to hiding. Hiding from our possibilities, our growth, our desires. Well, today is the day I have decided to take a step out of the shadows of my self-doubt and share my dream with you. Here goes....

I want to build a community. A community of women who are ready to take the next step. The next step in realising their worth and power. I would like to help women find the time for themselves so that they can harness their energy to help others.

Since becoming a mum, my eyes have been opened to the wonder of the female. Our race is birthed from our bodies and it’s time to lead our race with our feminine strengths of love, hope and tenderness to make our world a better place. We can’t do this if we're too bloody tired!

It’s time. It’s time to give yourself the space to breathe, stretch and grow, and yoga can help you do this.

Gathering dust in my drafts folder was my new website that has been patiently waiting to see the light of day. Today, I have finally set her free and she would love to know what you think of her! (The link’s in the first comment below)

This is the beginning of my dream and if you don’t mind, I would like to ask you a question. If I were to create a mum’s yoga community, what would make you want to be part of it? All women are welcome. The reason I called it Mum’s Yoga is because every woman is a mother. We birth ideas. We birth our careers. We birth life. We are the creative life force. We are the creators of creation.

I would love to hear your thoughts.




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