My New Love.

This year I have discovered a new love, a new friend, a new mentor. I feel a sense of foolishness in how long it has taken me to notice her but now that I have, I feel lighter and brighter. You’ve guessed it - it’s the moon. Did you see her on Monday night in all her glory? Not a cloud in the sky, just her and her allies, the sparkly stars. Together, illuminating the whole world. Giving us the opportunity to unite and witness her peaceful presence no matter where we stood on our planet Earth. I only wish we noticed her more and listened to her whispers - how different would all our lives be? 

You can’t help but exhale when you look up at her. Her beauty always catches you off guard. The calmness and coolness she beams down on you has a magical effect, evaporating the stress and tension we all hold onto so tightly. 

How did you feel on Monday under the full moon? Did you feel energetic, in flow, maybe you had a feeling of being on the “right track.” Or were you emotionally frazzled, uptight, frustrated or a little angry and not quite sure why? That’s her power in full swing. The full moon in the lunar cycle is like half time at a football match. You get off the pitch, rehydrate and evaluate how the game is going. What strategies do the players have to put in place to win the game? That’s what the full moon is whispering to us - Have you wandered off course? If so, notice and re-align. 

Her fullness on Monday was her calling to us. She was in full illumination wooing us to look up. At this time in her cycle her job is to get you to notice everything she touches with her light, not just around you but inside you. She knows it’s time for you to evaluate, to ask yourself the difficult questions we tend to want to tuck away into the darkness. But she believes in her power and she knows one day her full moon will get you to turn on the light within you and reach deep down to uncover the stuff that truly matters. 

We pretend the big white ball in the sky has no effect on us. But that big white ball pulls our oceans from shore to shore and keeps our planet spinning on its axis safely. She is the reason we have 24 hour days and not 8 hours days. She is the reason we have our four seasons. 

Her influence is astounding, steady and unwavering  just like the best kind of mother. 

So next time there is a full moon in the sky why not look up and appreciate her power. Take some time to evaluate how things are going for you and let her glow melt away your armour, excuses and guilt. Let her reveal the real you with all your dreams and hopes. Then take a deep breath and follow your heart's desire. We all wander off the path from time to time but how enriched would our lives become if we checked in with ourselves and our wishes every time there was a full moon in the sky? Would our world be a happier place? 

I will now be including the lunar cycle in my yoga practice and classes using the moon as a mentor, looking to her for guidance and nourishment. And I know she will never let me down. She will always be there ready to listen and to comfort for forever and ever. 


Laura x 


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