My Warrior Day Dream.
As I took a deep breathe and turned my head there it was. Really there. Right in front of me. Not conjured by my imagination like it had been for the past few months. And it was truly glorious.
It all started about six months ago. It introduced a beautiful new moment to my day. A moment I believe we could all do with, living in this fretful time, so I hope you don’t mind me sharing.
It’s in my yoga practice as I transition from warrior I into warrior II, I gaze into the distance at my outstretched arm. This yoga pose is not called warrior for any old reason. You can literally feel your strength and resilience grow as you deepen into the pose. It’s in these five breathes that I have developed a little ritual. As I gaze down my arm I don’t see the wall that is before me, I see my future self. Weird, I know but stay with me.... She is vibrant and she thanks me for the practice I am doing in that very moment. She says thank you for taking care of her, thank you for the good health and vitality that I am creating in that very moment, shaping the person I will be tomorrow, in ten years, in thirty years. Seeing myself older, healthy and content fills me to the brim and on the days my energy is dwindling those five breathes on each side in warrior II gives me the boost and a smile for the day.
This ritual has developed and changed. Lately, my warrior pose has transported me to the beauty of the south of France in a tent high in a hill top field looking out over a beautiful landscape of trees and rolling hills. I am there. I am in my warrior seeing that glorious view in the baking sun content and full of peace. My future self on the holiday we have been planning for the past year, the holiday we may not get because of Covid 19.
Well, today my warrior happened in that very spot. The spot that my imagination had been conjuring for the past three months .The feeling that came over me when I slowly transitioned into warrior II and saw the view before me for real brought tears to my eyes and the energy that filled my body was indescribable.
Such a simple moment but a very, very powerful one.
Our imaginations, our minds can be our sanctuary. Creating those couple of minutes a day imagining my future self has brought me bucketfuls of joy and the surge of energy I got when I realised the moment I had been imagining was now there before me was literally spine tingling.
So now I can’t help wondering how powerful are our thoughts? Our thoughts may just create our reality and if they do what are your thoughts creating for you? Did me focusing on that hill top every morning for the past three months make it come true? Who knows. All I know is that using my imagination in that way has added something to my every day and the feeling I got when that moment came true was very, very special. Some call it manifesting. Some call it day dreaming. All I know is that I am truly grateful for the dream and the reality of that hill top warrior.
When I have my two minute interaction with my future self during my practice, I don’t just see how friggin marvellous she looks, I also feel how wonderful she is feeling. I feel her strength, energy and contentment through her presence and it makes me want to hold that warrior a little longer to reach her quicker. It’s the energy that surrounds her that I am most excited about.
Seeing your future self as you wish is an interesting experiment. How do you want to feel next month? Next year? Would two minutes a day of imagining your ideal future self help you reach her or him quicker?
Creativity, imagination and a belief that there is something out there bigger than myself is giving me a great sense of peace at the moment. Just maybe if we dream and wish, we might just conjure and create the future we want for ourselves and for each other.
Happy day dreaming.
Laura x