Fear And Love.


All human emotions fall under either love or fear. Anger, jealousy, hate, selfishness all stem from fear. Joy, contentment, generosity, patience are created from love. So there is truly only two emotions love or fear. The wise thoughts of Marianne Williamson.

Fear has been rife lately. Calling a lot of the shots. Which is completely natural. We have been told to brace ourselves for a virus that will change our lives forever. But we have a choice each second, each minute, each day to lead with fear or love.

Already, we can see wonderful, inspiring events that are taking place because of this unbelievable crisis we all find ourselves in. Communities, including my village are setting up support for their vulnerable neighbours. Local businesses are starting to deliver food and supplies to elderly residents. I knocked on the door of a nearby neighbour yesterday meeting eighty nine year old Nan Shepphard for the first time after us living in the village for two years. I walked away heavy with guilt. Two years?! But this is the gift we have to take from this virus - it’s time to wake up. Wake up to what we truly want to represent in this world - fear with all the pain that comes with it or love.

I know this pandemic is breaking people. People have lost their income in a heartbeat, their ability to provide for their family. We are also asking our doctors and nurses to become our super heroes, leaving their families each morning to step into the unknown. But these people don’t need our fear, they need our love.

This is our opportunity to change. Let’s get rid of the broken systems. The time wasting processes. The disease of individualism and let’s embrace what we all truly need and deep down in our hearts want. A society that is fair for all, a society where our elderly feel seen. Where all children feel safe. This is not going to be easy but it is possible.

We cannot go back. We cannot ignore this wake up call. It is time to decide what we want for our own lives but also for human kind.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all these community support networks that are being set up now stayed and became part of our normal day existence?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we supported small, local businesses and helped them thrive?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we paid our health professionals like the superheroes they truly are?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we decided we didn’t need all those airplanes suffocating our planet?

This is all possible but only if we wake up. I for one, refuse to go back to sleep. Who’s with me?


Laura x


My Warrior Day Dream.


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