Look Up!
As I stand completely alone, I gaze up in marvel at her power and beauty. The words “Oh my god” spill out of my mouth into the blackness of the warm night. It was not God, it was the moon in all her glory and at that moment she literally took my breath away. There was no one to share the moment with as it was 3am in the morning on a mountain in Spain. Just me, my torch and the busy ants that I had just leapt over to make my way up to the compost toilet for my nightly visit.
Dom, Nell and I had the most fantastic experience last August on a family yoga retreat. It took us back to nature in such a wonderful way that I find myself day dreaming of our time there a lot. Time where we showered outside with geckos, picked lemons from the trees, swam in rivers where the fish nibbled at our feet, drank water fresh from the mountain spring and looked up! We looked up a lot. At the sky, at the mountains, at the trees, at the sunsets, at the lightning, at the stars and most of all, at the beautiful mother moon.
I call her mother moon because I have had a realisation lately. The moon is deeply female and she is undoubtably, in my mind, the protector of our home, Earth. And what better symbol of female is there? She orbits our planet keeping a close eye on us all - her endless dance never stopping just like a mother’s. She is strong, calm, steady, influencing our tides, our rhythms. Especially the female rhythm. The moon takes on average 28 days to orbit our planet. The same length, on average, as a woman’s menstrual cycle. Some believe she may even effect our mood and energy.
Our world is upset at the moment. The elements are fighting back. Fire, wind, water, a virus. Humanity has lost its way and we are deeply out of balance. So with all that is going on in the world maybe it is time to look up. Look up to our moon and embrace our Lunar connection. Especially us females. Maybe it’s time to feel her power, her steadiness, her rhythm and return to a time where we showed her the utmost respect. When we honoured her guidance and our inner feminine energy and intuition.
So I urge you, the next time you are feeling overwhelmed or a little low, go outside and look up. It doesn’t matter what’s up there it is always worth the time. The moon, the stars, the clouds, the sun, the rain, they are all wondrous and grounding. It certainly puts things into perspective. And then remember there is always blue sky somewhere.
Feeling more connected to each other and our environment can only be a good thing. Hopefully, helping individualism fall away and dissolve so we can heal ourselves as a planet, as a community, as one.
Laura x