Role Models.

Role Model Use .jpg

JUNE 15, 2015

I had a real treat on Saturday morning and went along to a new yoga class recommended by my friend Laura. The teacher, Jill, was an immediate inspiration. She was strong, fit and healthy – a real role model. Now, my number one goal in life is to be a good role model for my daughter. Have you ever been a fan, or admired someone from afar, then got the chance to spend some time with them only to discover that they are a disappointment? I have and I don’t want to disappoint my Nell. Every day it becomes clearer and clearer to me how important this goal is – she is literally copying everything I do! 

We are living in a world right now that promotes perfection in the way we look. It’s so difficult. How do you teach your little one that what’s really important is what’s on the inside not the outside? 

I recently caught myself saying something that could easily have been misinterpreted. I was attempting to put a clasp in her hair and as I tried to get her attention I said to her “Nell, come and get this clasp in your hair to make you look pretty.” What must she have thought?! “Wasn’t I pretty before mum?… It must be important to look pretty and I don’t right now.” 

Don’t get me wrong, Nell is told every single day she is beautiful and how much we love her. However, I’m determined to ensure that she knows that it isn’t because of a clasp, or anything external. Her beauty comes from within. I see a little girl who is kind, caring, clever and brave – and if sometimes she’s scared that’s okay too because we all get scared from time to time. These are the characteristics that I want to celebrate with her – not just the way she looks.

It’s not easy but as I go through this journey of motherhood, I am trying to be more aware of my words. My words are shaping my little girl’s world. It’s why I said that the yoga teacher was strong, fit and healthy. She was also pretty but how would you rather be described? 

To be Nell’s role model those are the type of attributes I am going to have to embody. My actions need to match my words. I want my daughter to respect and admire strength, healthiness, and determination. So yoga, please work your magic. The clock is ticking!!


Lots of love, 

Laura x 


Not Enough Time.


Why I Love Yoga.