Why I Love Yoga.

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JUNE 11, 2015

Yoga, in a very calm and respectful way tells you that you can kick ass! It even has a position called warrior for crying out loud! Sometimes we need a little bit of gentle coaching that tells us if we just breathe and concentrate we can achieve our goal. Staying in certain yoga positions for a couple of seconds longer takes determination. And that is exactly what yoga has given me.
Now, I haven’t run any marathons or swam across any oceans but I have breast fed my new born baby through a whole night, completely alone, after being awake for 48hours. I had no idea my body was capable of such things! Sometimes when I complain that I’m tired or sore, I remind myself of that night. I might not have a gold medal for my achievement but neither do the millions of other women who have achieved the same before me. So, I believe Yoga can train you up and get you ready for those unexpected, crazy situations that turn up in all of our lives. As parents we don’t know the date of our next “marathon” (be it physical or mental) – we could find ourselves on the start line at any time. But I have my yoga practice slowly making me mentally stronger and physically stronger for whatever is around the corner. If you haven’t tried it yet I couldn’t recommend it highly enough!


Lots of love,

Laura x


Role Models.


From Daddy.