The Day You Start Yoga Is The Day You Stop Ageing.
“The day you start yoga is the day you stop ageing.” My ears pricked up as I heard these words faintly drifting through from the radio in my sister-in-law's kitchen. I hadn’t thought about yoga for a good few months now and these words hit a nerve. It was 2014 and I was heading towards my mid- thirties with my beautiful ten month old daughter at the centre of my universe.
And I was a changed woman. A woman who had gone from dancing in heels for a living to struggling to walking up stairs because of aching joints but as I said, I was heading towards my mid thirties and that’s how your thirties should feel, right? Bloated, achy, soft round the edges, tired. It was okay that my body creaked and ached because there was nothing I could do about it. It was called getting old. But this voice that had decided to float from the kitchen radio, through the chatter of the house, to whisper in my ear, felt like an outstretched hand of help. These words formed a crack in my limiting belief that I had started to rely on, a limiting belief that gave me a weird sense of comfort. I believed there was nothing I could do. It was normal. It was normal for me to feel the way I was feeling.
Years on, I have come to realise the normalisation of these feelings, the feelings of mediocrity are dangerous, especially for women. You see, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, mediocre about us. In our hearts every woman knows this but most of us cover up our radiance, our power. We dampen it down and settle for feeling “fine”, “okay”, “not too bad” because we just have so much to do!
I often wonder where that limiting belief came from that as a woman in my thirties I was heading for the scrap heap. But it’s obvious isn’t it? You look around and this message is everywhere. Well, next week I’m turning forty one and I have spent the past five years ironing out my niggly health issues and my mind has been blown by all the natural ways we can heal ourselves. There are so many wonderful ways to feel vibrant, fit and healthy and yoga is at the top of my list.
I believe yoga is an ancient practice for the modern woman. What is expected of us nowadays is immense and I believe every woman is feeling it. So I wanted to share how yoga has helped me shift that feeling of mediocrity and how it has given me such a wonderful feeling of contentment and strength.
So in two weeks time I’m going to give an insight into my daily practice. I will be releasing a free video series on the most fundamental and empowering vinyasa, the sun salutation, something that forms part of my daily ritual and routine. If you have ever sat in a yoga class and thought “slow down” “What am I doing with my feet?” or where “should I put my hands?” then this one's for you. I’m going to be breaking the sun salutation down step by step so you can master it and step into your flow. It’s only going to be available in the new private mum’s yoga FB group so if you haven’t joined yet make sure you click on this link:
It is not normal to ache, it is not normal to feel tired all the time, it is not normal to live in overwhelm.
The day you start yoga is the day you stop ageing.
I hope you will join me.