The language we use matters.

I fell in love with my husband of thirteen years Dominic instantly - he was and still is the bee's knees but in the early days of our relationship I noticed he had a quirky habit that I was going to have to confront. He had a tendency to overuse the word “disaster”.

If the bus was five minutes late it was a disaster. If it was raining it was a disaster. If there wasn’t enough garlic to cook with it was a disaster!

When I drew this to his attention he was completely unaware that he was doing it. We had a good laugh and decided to only use the word disaster if it really, truly was a disaster!

The language we choose matters. It sets the mood for our day, our week, our lives. It invites a certain vibration, high or low. Like attracts like.

Yoga encourages us to practise truthfulness with ourselves to create happy and healthy lives. Overreacting to situations with our language can add unnecessary stress to our bodies and minds.

So as part of my yoga practice this week I’m going to take some time to have a little “spring clean”. What words or phrases have crept into my vocabulary that need to be let go of. Am I stuck in a

“I’m so tired” rut?

“Things will never change” trap?

“I never have enough time” pitfall?

How about you? What are your ‘go to’ expressions and are they telling your truth?

Our language is a true reflection of ourselves and with a little awareness and kindness we can enhance that reflection.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


Thank you India.