Hello Hope!
She has arrived. Hope is here. She has been patiently waiting in the wings. Giving darkness his moment front and centre. She waited for her cue and finally it came - the winter solstice, beckoning hope to the stage.
The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year is a symbol of hope. It’s the time when darkness has expanded to its fullest and then finally takes it’s bow. The light is coming back!
We may not feel it straight away but the energy has shifted. The scales are tipping in our favour. It’s time to grasp this opportunity to figure out what this light and new energy means for us.
What hopes do you hold for 2023? Our yoga practice gives us time to stretch, build strength and reflect which can conjure more hope and light into our lives. A yoga practice is hope. So I wish you a new year full of hopefulness , peace and strength and of course, yoga!
Wishing you a merry Christmas and a hope full 2023!
Laura x