My thoughts on life & yoga…

Let It Go!

Let It Go!

Nell, my nine year old daughter had a good cry last night, letting all the stress of the past school term slide down her face. Sometimes we need a good cry, to release and to let go. The build up of working hard, concentrating, being well behaved and disciplined needs to be released like a whistle from an old fashioned boiling kettle. As a parent, I cherish these moments. I watch out for them - the solemn face appearing before bedtime, her slumped shoulders and quivering lip. I ask her if she's okay and the tears come. It usually happens at the end of a long school term, when the tiredness takes over. I give her my full attention and I listen, making sure that …

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Hello Hope!
Yoga, In Flow Yoga Laura Colenso Yoga, In Flow Yoga Laura Colenso

Hello Hope!

She has arrived. Hope is here. She has been patiently waiting in the wings. Giving darkness his moment front and centre. She waited for her queue and finally it came - the winter solstice, beckoning hope to the…

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Life Is A Juggling Act.
Yoga, Motherhood Laura Colenso Yoga, Motherhood Laura Colenso

Life Is A Juggling Act.

Life is a juggling act and to help us keep all the balls in the air we have to find moments of routine, of practice, of self care so that those balls of life don’t come crashing down. My morning routine gives this to me. At least five days a week I give myself a solid…

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