The Light Is Everywhere!

Me on my front lawn!

The light is everywhere! The longest day of the year has arrived. Summer is finally upon us. This powerful day brings with it a wonderful opportunity for us to use this light to take notice. To take notice of what needs our attention, inwards and outwards.

The summer season acts as a giant spotlight on our lives. Dancing its way through all the nooks and crannies, calling forth our hidden clutter, asking us to let go of what no longer serves us.

What is the bright light of this season showing you? What beliefs, values, thoughts need to be collected and lovingly released?

The sun with its dazzling light is persuading us to be more open, to be truly honest with ourselves and with each other.

Happy summer solstice everyone!

#Inflowyoga #oneminuteofmetime #alittlebitofmetime


Laura x


Hello Hope!


Life Is A Juggling Act.