I’m Back!

Nell and mat - I'm Back!.jpg

AUGUST 25, 2015

I’m back! In more ways than one… I apologise for my sudden disappearance. I started the month of June full of energy and determination and I finished it feeling I was trapped in a deep fog, swimming against the tide. It began with me struggling to get out of bed in the morning and having to nap when Nell did. Something that can happen quite easily to a mother of a toddler, so I wasn’t too concerned. But I became scarily overwhelmed. That horrible feeling, when you stare at your messy kitchen and you have no idea where to start or the thought of dealing with it makes you cry. Everything seemed an up hill struggle. Dom would ask me a question and I couldn’t string a sentence together. Then he found a carton of milk in the cupboard rather than the fridge and I started to get concerned. Especially when my hands and arms started to tingle. Anyway, three doctors later it turns out I had low iron levels!! I can’t believe that low iron could make a person think she was going crazy, causing depression, fatigue and anxiety. So first of all I would like to apologise for not completing my 30 day yoga challenge. I am apologising to you and myself but thankfully the fog has lifted and I’m back! If any of the above sounds familiar to you think about getting your iron levels checked. It’s a miracle mineral and it turns out it is extremely important. 

This little episode has made me really think about my health and the health of my family. I heard the following quote years ago and it has stuck with me. “Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them – work, family, health, friends and spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.” Health to me is the most delicate ball of all and I am now at that point in my life that I have decided to really take care of it. I think having a child highlights health too. I am completely in control of my daughters nutrition and I believe it will be the most important job of my life – making sure Nell has a healthy relationship with food. Even though I appreciate the wise words above from Brian Dyson the former CEO of Coca Cola I would never dream of giving her a diet coke so why would I drink one myself? So nutrition is high on my list from now on. Rather than worrying about the way I look on the outside I’m now more concerned about the way I look on the inside. I believe that with this strategy the benefits will eventually begin to show on the outside too. So no massive changes, just trying to eat more fresh food… a good way to stay on track is to ask myself “would I give this to Nell to eat”? 

So, I’m back! I have found a brilliant, hardcore yoga class on a Monday night. And if you don’t mind I would love to share my progress with you. The goal is to be able to achieve a head stand by the end of the year, so wish me luck! I hope this finds you well. 


Lots of love, 

Laura x 


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