Is It Possible To Live In The Present?
I have just spent a lovely couple of days with my sister who is about to embark on an adventure but not just to Australia and Thailand, the real adventure is called the rest of her life! Jamie has decided to embrace change. She has left her job, sold her business, rented out her home and is off travelling. The thing that I love about all of this, is that’s as far as her plans go. I asked her what her plans were for when she returns and she doesn’t have any. She made a very good point – she is expecting this trip to change her so why make plans for a version of herself that she hasn’t met yet? I am so very proud of her. It made me think about the way I live my life and it became clear that I have always looked to the future a little too much. Working as a performer you are continuously looking for what’s next. You can be in your dream job but it’s temporary and you feel it’s what’s next that matters. Which is a shame really. I never just sat in the moment and enjoyed what I was achieving in that very minute. Now that I am a mother I am very aware of living in the moment. When I am sitting in my daughters nursery with her in my arms just before or after her nap, both quiet and cuddling, I make sure I am fully in the moment and I soak up every second of that special time as it is already moving too fast.
Planning is of course important and I know without planning I wouldn’t have the lovely life I have right now. But sometimes it’s nice to have some spontaneity and just enjoy what we have. I want to make more time in my life to just “be”. To stop thinking about the next thing, the bigger house, the better car. After all, will it ever be enough if we don’t stop and look around and appreciate how far we have come and where we are this very second?
Lots of love,
Laura x