My thoughts on life & yoga…

Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Lots Of Hugs.

I had to summon all of my will power at 10pm last night to do my 20 minutes of yoga. Dom is away in London on business and it had been a tough day. Nothing terrible had happened, there was no catastrophe, it was just tough. Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seems a little bit out of control? You can’t quite get on top of things?

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Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Surprise, surprise.

Well, I have completed the first week of my 30 day challenge and I am pleased to report that I have really enjoyed it. The best part has been the surprises and there have been a few.

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More Balance Please.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

More Balance Please.

“May you find balance, may you create balance, may you live in balance.” Tara Lee.

I hope you have had a perfectly balanced Saturday.

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Friday Night Yoga.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Friday Night Yoga.

Good Evening! It’s day five and I was unable to fit my 20 minutes of yoga in during the day today. So, my glass of red wine and the last episode of ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 3 had to be postponed for 20 minutes this evening so that I could squeeze it in… I don’t know about you but I think that means I deserve a second glass of wine!

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Laura’s List.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Laura’s List.

Did anyone watch BBC Breakfast this morning? The actor Stephen Mangan was on promoting a new BBC Drama called “Birthday”. My ears pricked up because a few years ago, when Dom and I were young and fancy free we went to the Royal Court to watch Stephen Mangan in this play.

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A Guilty Conscience.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

A Guilty Conscience.

Boom! – as my sister would say, day 2 completed. The biggest challenge of today was trying to find a space on my living room floor for my yoga mat. It looked like a hurricane had passed through. A brightly coloured, crazed hurricane. Nell’s toys were everywhere!

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Day One.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Day One.

Well Folks, it’s day one and I am relieved to say I did it! I was successful in finding 20 minutes of “me time” in mine and Nell’s day.

After those 20 minutes of yoga I felt like a nicer person. There is something about the awareness of my breath and body that calms me, focuses me.

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 Becoming A Mother
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Becoming A Mother

I remember after the first month of Nell being in our lives that I just wanted to shout to every mother that I passed in the street “Why didn’t you tell me?” “Why didn’t you share how hard this was with the rest of the female race?!” I felt a secret had been kept from me. A massive, massive secret and I was not happy about it.

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