My thoughts on life & yoga…

Packing For The New Decade.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Packing For The New Decade.

As I laid on my yoga mat, eyes closed, body warm from a strengthening yoga class, silent night lightly played in the back ground. My yoga teacher’s calm, soothing voice mentioned…

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My Dear Friend.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

My Dear Friend.

I was very lucky to have the opportunity to catch up with a dear old friend this week. And what was special about this visit was I got her all to myself. She is a friend that is responsible…

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Why I Feel Like WonderWoman…
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Why I Feel Like WonderWoman…

So it turns out that being in my late thirties is an interesting time. Things that were easy to handle in my twenties are not so easy to handle now. Like drinking a bottle of wine….

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It Has Finally Happened.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

It Has Finally Happened.

Well, it has finally happened. After three years of motherhood the time has come… Elsa has entered the building… Frozen has landed! It started so innocently with a little watch…

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Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso


Since Brexit I have struggled to write. The world over the past six months has become a place of great confusion for me. The hate, the lack of empathy has been a tremendous shock and…

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A Year Of Growth.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

A Year Of Growth.

It's exactly a year ago today that I challenged myself to find 20 minutes a day to do yoga for the month of June and I started my blog 'Mums yoga.' It was a challenge because…

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Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Emotional Hygiene.

The sun came out today! – thank the Lord! You see, a month ago I found out I had developed a vitamin D deficiency. The reason I found this out is I felt like I was losing my…

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The Next Chapter.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

The Next Chapter.

Well, two years later and I’m returning to the work place! Strange and terrifying in so many ways. Mainly, because something dawned on me a few weeks ago… I’ve been hiding. I’ve been…

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Worthy News?
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Worthy News?

Nell and I jumped on the train to Scotland this morning. Well, I say “jumped” but we all know that’s impossible with a buggy laden down with luggage and a toddler. I proudly…

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Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso


“Imagination is our strongest tool. It is what separates us from all the other animals.” The words of Lilley my yoga teacher this week. She did a brilliant job of weaving the theme of Halloween…

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Autumn Days.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Autumn Days.

I’ve decided Autumn is my favourite season thanks to my yoga practice. My teacher Lilley mentioned back in August that Summer was coming to an end and we would be saying…

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Is It Possible To Live In The Present?
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Is It Possible To Live In The Present?

I have just spent a lovely couple of days with my sister who is about to embark on an adventure but not just to Australia and Thailand, the real adventure is called the rest of her life! Jamie has decided to embrace change. She has left her job, sold her business, rented out her home and is off travelling. The thing that I love about all of this, is that’s as far as her plans go. I asked her what her plans were for when she returns and she doesn’t have any. She made a very good point – she is expecting this trip to change her so why make plans for a version of herself that she hasn’t met yet?

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I’m Back!
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

I’m Back!

I’m back! In more ways than one… I apologise for my sudden disappearance. I started the month of June full of energy and determination and I finished it feeling I was trapped in a deep fog, swimming against the tide. It began with me struggling to get out of bed in the morning and having to nap when Nell did. Something that can happen quite easily to a mother of a toddler, so I wasn’t too concerned. But I became scarily overwhelmed. That horrible feeling, when you stare at your messy kitchen and you have no idea where to start or the thought of dealing with it makes you cry.

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Creating A New Identity.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Creating A New Identity.

I remember the first time that I quickly dashed into a coffee shop while Nell waited outside in her buggy with my friend. A strange feeling came over me. I had this overwhelming urge to tell the person behind the counter that I didn’t normally look like this, or dress like this, or act like this, it was just that I was now a mother. I felt really uncomfortable in my own skin.

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Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Life Skills.

I had a really interesting conversation with one of my neighbours the other day that has been playing on my mind and I thought it was quite an important thing to share – especially with those of you that are parents or people who work with children.

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Why I Love Yoga.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Why I Love Yoga.

Yoga, in a very calm and respectful way tells you that you can kick ass! It even has a position called warrior for crying out loud! Sometimes we need a little bit of gentle coaching that tells us if we just breathe and concentrate we can achieve our goal. Staying in certain yoga positions for a couple of seconds longer takes determination. And that is exactly what yoga has given me.

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From Daddy.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

From Daddy.

Exactly 18 months ago today our beautiful daughter Nell Rose Colenso was born. What a roller coaster ride it has been! So, I thought today was the perfect moment to share the very, very long story of my labour… But from my amazing husband’s point of view.

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