My thoughts on life & yoga…

Ritual Versus Routine.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Ritual Versus Routine.

December is such a powerful month. It’s a time when we focus on giving to others. It’s a time when we’re allowed and encouraged to make-believe. It’s a time to come together for reflection and celebration. The catalyst for this is…

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Seeing Things As They Truly Are.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Seeing Things As They Truly Are.

It had been one of those days and now all of a sudden it was 8:30pm and I had a kitchen full of dirty dishes and a daughter, who was meant to be asleep, standing at the top of the stairs shouting “Mum! Mum!” I took a deep breath and headed for the hall. “Nell, I have 101 things to do tonight! What is it?” There was a pause and Nell smiled. “Mum, you do not have a 101 things to do tonight.” She said this with such…

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The Day You Start Yoga Is The Day You Stop Ageing.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

The Day You Start Yoga Is The Day You Stop Ageing.

“The day you start yoga is the day you stop ageing.” My ears pricked up as I heard these words faintly drifting through from the radio in my sister-in-law's kitchen. I hadn’t thought about yoga for a good few months now and these words hit a nerve. It was 2014 and I was heading towards my mid- thirties with my beautiful ten month old daughter at the centre of my…

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Is Regret A Choice?
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Is Regret A Choice?

I spoke to a dear friend recently about a tough decision she has to make. A decision she has been struggling with because of the excruciating fear of regret. I asked her what if she decided not to regret it? Since that conversation the question “Is regret a choice?” has been swirling around…

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Why I Hated Yoga.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Why I Hated Yoga.

What a waste of time I told myself as I lay on the floor at the end of my very first yoga class. I was reeling because I had come to the gym to workout, to sweat, to burn calories and I had made the stupid mistake of switching my usual “Body Pump” class to try out yoga. What was I thinking?

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I’ve Been Putting Something Off…
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

I’ve Been Putting Something Off…

I’ve been putting something off. Something that will bring me joy but I haven’t been able to 'JUST do it'! Do you know that feeling? “I don’t have time right now"..."I’m too busy"...."I’ll do it tomorrow.” All the usual excuses fill my head.

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Ten Years Of Marriage And The Ten Reasons Why.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Ten Years Of Marriage And The Ten Reasons Why.

“Are you sure?” I said with my hands clasped over my mouth. “Yes I’m sure! Will you marry me?” There he was, Dominic James Colenso down on one knee, in the rain, changing our lives forever.

Fifteen months later, exactly ten years ago today we committed to spending the rest of our lives together in front of our loved ones and the journey of “us” began in the most wonderful way.

Now, ten years on I’d like to take a moment to celebrate my best friend, my soul mate, my husband, Dominic.

So here we have it, ten years of marriage and the ten reasons why.

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A Love Letter To My Mum.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

A Love Letter To My Mum.

A mother daughter bond is like nothing else. Our relationship with our mother shapes the woman we will become, influencing how we feel about ourselves, others and…

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Thank you.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Thank you.

“Nice to meet you Laura.” She said with a kind smile. In that second, at five years old, I looked up into the eyes of the woman that would define and mould my future. Her name was …

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My Warrior Day Dream.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

My Warrior Day Dream.

As I took a deep breathe and turned my head there it was. Really there. Right in front of me. Not conjured by my imagination like it had been for the past few months. And it was…

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Fear And Love.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Fear And Love.

All human emotions fall under either love or fear. Anger, jealousy, hate, selfishness all stem from fear. Joy, contentment, generosity, patience are created from love. So there is truly…

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Look Up!
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Look Up!

As I stand completely alone, I gaze up in marvel at her power and beauty. The words “Oh my god” spill out of my mouth into the blackness of the warm night. It was not God…

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What If…
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

What If…

Scooping up Nell, I run. I run as fast as I possibly can. Dodging whatever gets in my way. Determined and strong in the knowledge that I have done everything in my power…

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You Become What You Believe.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

You Become What You Believe.

One of my favourite people to hang out with is Oprah Winfrey. My schedule only allows for her to pop by a couple of times a month but it is always a real treat. And our…

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Birthday Present.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

Birthday Present.

I turn forty in July and Dominic recently asked me what would I like for a birthday present. So I started to ponder on what would really make me happy. I wanted it to be something…

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What Makes A Marriage Strong?
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

What Makes A Marriage Strong?

What makes a marriage strong? There are the obvious ingredients that we all know are essential like love, understanding, a sense of humour. But what does a marriage…

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Being In The Moment.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Being In The Moment.

We all have that one teacher that sticks in our mind. The teacher that made a difference in our lives. Maybe their encouragement sent you on a certain path or they knew…

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Ray Of Light.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Ray Of Light.

I’ve been doing some research for my Yoga Teacher Training today and stumbled across a youtube video of two of my greatest inspirations having a conversation together back in…

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Farewell To A Little Bit Of Me.
Laura Colenso Laura Colenso

Farewell To A Little Bit Of Me.

Today I say farewell to a little bit of me. Eight years ago I created a company called Westend Workout. It’s strap line was “Cardio With Style”. Yes, it was cheesy, loud and sweaty but...

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The One You Feed.
Dominic Colenso Dominic Colenso

The One You Feed.

There is a grandmother talking to her granddaughter and she says, “There are two wolves inside all of us always at battle. One is our Good Wolf that represents kindness, bravery…

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